


X2.0 is an EU-funded deeptech growth programme that seeks to ensure the scaling up of EU deeptech startups by providing custom, industry-focused, 6 months growth programmes that will act as a catalyst in delivering market-ready applications and technology solutions in 5 key impact areas: Manufacturing & Circular Economy, AgriTech, HealthTech & BioTech, Smart Cities and Sustainability, and Data & A.I.). 

The project will distribute €1.5M in innovation and scaling up services to 50 deep-tech startups and will contribute to the offering of the EIC program over the start period of two years. X2.0 will launch five open calls, one for each key impact area/cohort. The scaling up services will be delivered by the identified industry impact builders as per the need of each individual startup.

The X2.0 is a sustainable legacy project of X-Europe and aims to leverage its predecessors' established ecosystem, network, proven innovation action/Startup Europe methodology, and learnings, to generate a next-gen coordination action mechanism.

Context and impact

To compete in global markets, increasingly defined by new technologies, Europe needs to capitalise on its excellent research and startup ecosystem. There exists an important investment gap for digital innovations and startups, especially in Central, SEE region and other Widening Countries. 

X2.0 project will upscale and enable growth of promising deeptech startups, connect more and less innovative ecosystems, and establish a greater connection between the Startup Europe programme and that of the EIC. 

Technology impact: boosting the skills of 50 startups with needed technical knowledge and resources and enabling partnering for R&D projects.

Social impact: boosting the deeptech ecosystems of widening countries ensuring equal opportunity for development, especially support of women-led SMEs.

Economic impact: offering opportunities, developing ecosystems and boosting local economies allow startups to receive funding and support, with a knock-on effect on the job market and wider economic vitality.

Key information:

Donor: European Union
Duration: 01.11.2022-30.10.2024.
Partners: F6S iz Irske i Zabala Innovation Španija
Website Web page