Coworking package deal for startups
Virtual office - first 6 months free
Register your business at our address while staying flexible. Use a meeting room. We take care of your postal mail.
Rent 30% off in the first three months
For an easier start.
Free trial 5 days
Only for startup people. Come and try it, feel the space and the atmosphere. No strings attached.
Virtual office
6 months free
An hour per month free, in the area you need most
Rent discount
30% in the first three months
Referral discount
Bring us a new tenant, and you get an additional 30% rent discount in that month
Free trial
5 days free trial for startup people
Event venues discount
Event halls 50% off
Access to our community events
Printers and scanners
If you need anything else, say so.
1100 m²
working space
1/1 Gbps
Super-fast internet awaits you in our coworking spaces.
meeting room
The described package deal can only be used by startups, which means that you are:
1. Developing a potentially scalable innovative tech solution
2. A team of at least two members
To be eligible for the deal, you must become our tenants—coworking space users. The benefits described can only be used as a package, not individually.
The greatest benefit for startup teams is coworking in the ICT Hub itself because it provides flexibility, a chance to meet and network with freelancers and people from innovative companies and corporations, an inspiring atmosphere, and community gatherings at our events… all of that in the center of Belgrade.
To learn more about the benefits of our space as a base of operations for your team, check our coworking page.